Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Think on it: "To drink wine with reason is better than to drink water with pride." So said a Galatian monk who died before 431 A..D. Right reason, common sense, the pursuance of the golden mean make clear the boon of enjoying wine, one of life’s natural pleasures. The bar, on the other hand, of arrogance and self-righteousness, clearly replaces reason, common sense and the pursuit of the golden mean with unnatural extremes. The inescapable principle of duality, yin and yang, can be applied to virtually any empirical or metempirical phenomenon. Applied to alcoholic liquors, the good as pleasure vs. god-usurping pride. The abuse of spirits, whether beer, wine or distilled liquors, by young people, results from their lack of maturity, self-discipline and knowledge to properly evaluate and appreciate the nectar of the gods. Either at 18 or 21. We don’t need more regulations; we need education and Aristotelian reasoning.


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