Monday, August 18, 2008

80/20 genius

I appreciate the genius who created the 80/20 rule. Applying the 80% and 20% rule leads to much fun. What percentage of Americans represents the optimist who sees the whole doughnut; what percent the pessimists who see only the hole? Which part of the country feels that Memorial Day allows the living to honor the dead; which part feels the occasion allows the Dying to pause to honor those who live? Which percent wants an Obama nation where leftist politics and the cult of personality rule; which percent desire an honest, straight-forward leader with a sense of humor? Which cadre of voters chooses to cross the Rubicon into a new land changed by socialism and governmental control; which cadre rightly fears taking the irrevocable step, like Julius Caesar, which ultimately led to his execution? Nancy Pelosi, Democrat, demi-god, speaker of the House of Representatives, called Obama, "a leader that God has blessed us with at this time." The future greatness of America hangs upon whether she and her ‘deliverer’ are supported by 80% or 20%. I believe that 80% of Americans could not actually vote for her puppet prophet; that only the liberal 20% have lost their minds to unreason.


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