Sunday, June 01, 2008


An environmentally green activist accused children, adolescents and adults who live indoors watching TV, playing video games or hogging the computer of suffering from NDD, nature deficit disorder. Typically, a liberal, plays the politics of hatred directed against that which violates the agenda. Hypocrisy crowns the politically-correct agenda. One liberal hand calls for the appreciation of the outdoors and exercise, but the opposing hand allows for no risky behavior or challenging, competitive sports. I read today that construction work is one of the most dangerous industries along with agriculture, mining and fishing. I heartily disagree. I was served yesterday for 10 hours by one busy, action-packed tree trimming and removal crew working in the hot sun apparently oblivious to high rope perils, heavy, falling timber and ear-challenging noise from the continuous ripping of chain saws (and a stump grinder). I nominate my men for performing the most dangerous job of the year. Their good humor and perseverence confirm my vote. They operated in harmony with nature as they destroyed her trees and branches (although one target already was a dead soul). Buzzing bees did not distract them from their appointed rounds. I now return to author of THE GREEN PURSE with her master’s degree in nonsense environmentalism and her myriad suggestions for saving the planet through changes in daily living. The new, green, mandated energy saving light bulbs contain mercury which is classified as a toxic waste that cannot be conventionally discarded. Really? I’m certain they were "invented" because an environmentalist suspected Edison’s children of destroying the planet just as green people now suspect chemicals and pesticides are polluting the drinking water. According to my wacko author, "you can’t wait for proof to take action." Ditto for manmade global warming. Luckily, curing our country’s nature deficit disorder, NDD, and/or corrupting religious environmentalism is simple. Open the doors, turn all irrational, Darwinian descendants loose, lock the doors behind them - and let nature take its course! In today’s newspaper some human being abandoned 3 mother cats and 25 kittens with a 10 lb. bag of cat chow thinking they could fend for themselves. Why not green people too?


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