Sunday, June 01, 2008

Uncommon Sense

If a man has no standards, what can you say about his choice of a wife? If America’s public school system needs an IED ( Individual education plan) for its students, alternatively defined as a "multi-factor team process," why expect knowledge to be the goal? With garbage expected or accepted, low quality and low performance result. Heaven needs to help us in this phase of America’s never-ending story. \
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Life’s all about irony, unpredictability and contradiction. A botanist member of the Society of Friends in the 1700's kept a motto above his greenhouse door that read:

Slave to no sect, who takes no private road,
But looks through nature, up to nature’s God.

Think on it. Each of us is slave to private preference or predilection. Each of us travels individually down life’s path in the midst of social interactions. But how many of us look at nature or even through nature up to nature’s God? The world is too much with each of us unfortunately.

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An environmentally green activist accused children, adolescents and adults who live indoors watching TV, playing video games or visiting the computer, of suffering from NDD, nature deficit disorder. Typical of a liberal, playing the politics of hatred directed against that which violates the agenda. Of course, hypocrisy crowns the politically-correct, natural agenda. One hand calls for the appreciation of the outdoors and exercise, but the opposing hand allows for no risky behavior or challenging, competitive sports. As I read that construction work is one of the most dangerous industries along with agriculture, mining and fishing, I heartily disagreed. Having been served yesterday for 10 hours by one busy, action-packed tree trimming and removal crew that worked apparently oblivious of high rope perils, heavy, falling timber and ear-challenging noise from the continuous ripping of the chain saws (and stump grinder), I nominate my men for performing the most dangerous job of the year. Their good humor and perseverence confirm my vote. They operated at in harmony with nature as they destroyed her trees and branches (although one target already was a dead-barked soul). Buzzing bees did not distract them from their appointed rounds. I return to the environmentalist with a master’s degree in ........... with her myriad suggestions for saving the planet through changes in daily living. Curing our country’s nature deficit disorder, NDD, is simple. Open the doors, turn our nature-deprived men and women loose, lock the doors behind them - and let environmentalism take its course!


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