Saturday, February 16, 2008

Rome vs. Catholics

Rutherford B. Hayes was salaried $3,500 in 1858 as city solicitor for Cincinnati, Ohio. Pretty good money for a lawyer considering as a starting teacher in 1963, I only received $5,250 a year. Another lawyer, Barak Obama somehow in the early 1990's received an advance for a book sufficient to allow him to buy a 1.5 million dollar house. Pretty sweet! Now I learn that President Bush’s 2009 budget spends (over- spends) $10,000 on every person in America. How have I managed to miss attending the parties which are naturally and frequently thrown by politicians and lawyers? Animals feel pain but only humans suffer. I suffer knowing the inequities of pay and the money wasted by bureaucratic governance. Even killing all the lawyers, as Shakespeare suggested, won’t make the pain go away. Killing all the politicians would also have to be implemented. Remember the tension between Athens and Jerusalem that advanced civilization? The tug-of-war today more resembles a Rome versus the Catholics. Rome, the rich, powerful acquisitive, imperial, ruling class, taxes, borrows and spends at the expense of the populace. We plebs, humanitarian in our pursuits, do good, avoid evil and practice a Catholic concern for our fellow man. Who will triumph?


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