Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Why bother when the world is passing me by? I believe in substance over form. In fact over fiction. In paying my own way over depending upon others. In freedom over submission to a leader. The adage to purchase only what you can pay for with cash has passed me by; buy now pay later replaces it. The justification to oppose the Iraq war but support the troops is accepted as logical to many in spite of its illogic. Those who bite off more house than they can chew are now politely excused and granted concessions on their payments. Doing the right things seem to be out of fashion. Hypocrisy and irresponsibility are in vogue. Smart thinkers may perceive that education is the solution to ignorance, crime and failure but its embrace, much less the definition of education is as yet unknown. On the net I read that "hypocrisy is tribute that vice pays to virtue." America could wipe out its national debt at the rate that Obamamaniacs pays tribute into the coffers of their Messiah.

At a recent rally in Madison, Wisconsin, Obamacans. Obama girls, Obama groupies, Obamites and Obamaistas went Obamagasmic as they Rocked around Barak. Logic and economic self-interest were hat-checked and willingly abandoned at the front door. A socialist was cheered. Substance was the price paid for Obama’s cause - change. Wanton salutes to the new Messiah signaled a willing disregard for reason. Self-education? Where was self-education? Knowing the policies or ideological positions of Obama took the back seat to standing, waving, wildly and cheering hypocrisy and emptiness masked by an appealing voice and face. As for me, 50 pounds would be just a start to enhancing Barak’s appeal. Eliminating the baa, baa, baa I heard from his sheep would also be a mandatory inducement. I say bring on the Hildebeast who has spelled out her socialistic agenda up front unlike Barak Obama who stands behind the podium mouthing platitudes and firing up a crowd who knows not what they do (or what he will do to them if elected their President).


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