Friday, February 15, 2008

Unthrifty genes

Man’s thrifty genes waste a lot of time and money obsessing over contradictions. 1st, consider germs. Obsessing over them has resulted in anti-microbial and anti-bacterial products to prevent airborne infections. A dispenser even disinfects door knobs. Yet the ‘i’s still have it because viral infections are as yet incurable and enter the body mostly via the conduit of the eyes. Man must continue to rely upon thrifty anti-bodies imprinted in his genes to conquer infections and disease. The contradiction between biology and behavior based upon misconceptions persists. 2nd, consider the obsession with going green such as at Nike. Green technology has not rewarded the company with net profits, just monumental costs. Yet consumers of Nike sneakers don’t care if they pay $185.00 for green, fashion statements; they are just obsessed with satisfying their egos. 3rd, consider the obsession over risk. Even though every action contains the risk of a reaction, thrifty genes can’t be allowed to go about their business. A spokesperson for the American Academy of Pediatrics is compelled to put a negative spin on the 30% of ATV injuries to riders under the age of 16 by calling for a minimum age for riders. The flip side puts a positive spin on reality when a member of the Specialty Vehicle Institute of America notes that injuries are decreasing for riders under 16, so this trend is good. Lastly, consider the contradiction in polls that explore the flat world’s obsession with free trade. Surveys prove that most citizens favor ‘free trade’; who would want to practice ‘unfair trade’? Yet each individual felt that his country experienced unfairness in trade practices with another country or countries. Man’s thrifty gene for truth lies somewhere in between contradictions. Unfortunately contradictory obsessions wastes both precious time and money.


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