Saturday, January 12, 2008

Genetics is destiny

Let’s face it, genetics is destiny. No need to read what experts say, amass data empirically or pray for intuition, the obvious surrounds us. Who gets a disease, type 2 diabetes, allergies, bad cholesterol, an angina attack, autism or Alzheimers benefits negatively from a toss of the dice. Who easily gains weight, rages with egocentrism, possess emotional resilience, displays a specific body type or enjoys a high I. Q. reaps the rewards of biology’s natural selection. Perhaps the benefits or rewards actually mean a lifetime of grief and struggle, but our higher powers, bereft of the animals, can save us literally and figuratively in the long haul. So ‘let us be glad and rejoice.’ Our earthly troubles terminate with death but don’t limit or pre-determine our pursuit of final happiness.


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