Thursday, January 10, 2008


In the 19th century, William James, the psychologist preached the message of hope writing that a ‘bad feeling’ or sorrow could be overcome. When it does, it "folds its tent like an Arab and silently steals away." Would that psychologists, politicians and media pundits practiced this philosophy today instead of spreading misinformation, anxiety and paranoia amidst the general populace. The liberal messages of "disaster capitalism" , "limbic warfare," a failed economy, two Americas, etc., do harm because they neglect to promote the emotional well-being and homeostasis of American psyches. When liberals are mugged by reality and become neo-conservatives, they are labeled as converts with a "dangerous, moralistic mentality." What happened to old-fashioned demand for facts and common sense solutions to problems? A rational approach to irrational messages should be the winning combination. Yet some Americans fail to overcome their overarching fears and sorrows. They are like some terrorist Arabs who do not go silently into the night but openly display their agenda. Americans should not unrealistically reach out to a Presidential candidate of hope and change as if he or she - an external agent - can make things better. Transformation begins from within.


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