Friday, November 23, 2007

Black Friday

Alexis de Tocqueville knew the meaning of a "black Friday." He said that the "danger of democracy is enslavement to public opinion." In the early 1800's he perhaps had in mind the recent tragedy of the French Revolution, but his prescient observation can remind Americans to think for themselves this holiday rather than conform to societal opinion that one ‘shop ‘til one drops.’ We should take precaution against over-spending in over-indulgence. We should remind ourselves that children and teens learn from the examples adults set. Puberty, especially, is a time of transition for youth because for adolescents, adult decisions are virtually impossible. "Black Friday, therefore, should be a metaphor for irresponsibility. PPP is called for at gift time this Christmas. Proper, prior parenting or proper, prior planning will insure a proper, pecuniary perspective on personal, passing pleasures.


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