Wednesday, February 12, 2020


Bernie?  Why is it that no matter whether you are left or right, Dem. or Rep. , as a politician in  Congress, you become really rich?  Obviously, no one who runs for public office to 'service the people' has a poor spirit. Blessed they are not! Virtue is reserved for the common people not elites.

On to local evil. Guess from which party?  Our large, city school district wanted to enlarge school choice with vouchers. But when certain politicians found out that over 1000 schools were under-performing, and free choice would be free to any parent - rich or poor, even a doctor as the Democrat do-gooders said - they agreed that vouchers would need to be limited to low income only.  If parents were free to choose against failing schools, too many of them WOULD opt out and public school funding would suffer.  Oh God!    Free choice as the underlying principle was not a choice. Your public servants know better than you.


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