Saturday, September 14, 2019

More I've heard

What's the "Wall Street propaganda machine?"  I heard it does terrible things. Can it be true that "we can't imagine a world without him (Eddie Money who just died)?"  I certainly can.  What will happen at the "opioid checkpoint"  I heard is being set up?  How can someone "Pervent a complaint?"  Oh yeah, the reporter means "prevent."

It's not just what I hear, it's what I read that is totally nuts. The head of the Carbon Management and Sequestration Center at Ohio State University (!) said it's unreaistict to remove even 6 billion tons globally including 1 billion in the U.S. That "won't absorb all or even most fossil-fuel emissions," he said.  Duh! What will restore power when outages occur from natureal disasters? 


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