Saturday, July 20, 2019

stop that

Iran has seized a British tanker in the Strait of Hormuz. "Stop that," says Great Britain.  "We are not going to retaliate because we want a diplomatic solution."  BUT if you don't stop that, "there will be serious  consequences."   ??? The sun has long set over the British empire.  Does any power ( much less Iran)  take Britain seriously.  I asked my man what Britain meant by "serious consequences."  He astutely answered that they would just call on Trump to do something and then disavow it.

Another sad situation that we must STOP is nannying from everyone on the radio.  Exhortations abound.  Stay hydrated, Drink lots of water in this heat wave. Mind your children and pets. And if your kids won't drink water - here come the politically correct, nannying inanities - give them "water-intensive vegetables and home-made Popsicle."  I kid you not.


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