Thursday, February 21, 2019

Jussie's Justice not just blind

Justice is just not blind.  She's just not dead.  She's been mummified. Jussie Smollet (being black) gets a pass on racism by being charged with just a felony for disorderly conduct. Justice, being mummified, can't fix injustices in our American judicial system.  Try this second example. Some liberal, do-gooder leftie proposes a bill to make stiffer penalties for passing a school bus. THIS IS TERRIBLE STUFF, RIGHT?   A $1000 fine and 2 yr. suspension of driving privileges.  Can't you see more people who can't get to work at the unemployment office as a result of this punishment?  Common sense traditionally occupied 1/2 of justice's scale along with truth.  Not anymore.

Ever hear of Campdrafting?  A sensational cattle herding sport in north east Australia.  Check it out.  


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