Tuesday, February 12, 2019

How to serve?

Are you spending $162.00 on Valentine's Day this year? Food, gifts and/or whatnots? So says a survey. How tiresome is it hear about supposedly other people whose lifestyles differ from yours? In my local Dollar General, beautiful live roses of various colors were offered for $2.00 each. That's $24.00 a dozen.  Was I tempted?  Naw, in less than a week they'd wilt and the love and investment would be gone.  Are you also not tired of hearing someone claim that he ( Gabi Gifford's husband  Mark Kelly) wants to 'serve' his country by running for Congress?  Of course, only a Democrat wants to 'serve' (read rake in the bucks and political power).  Too many 'public servants' bankrupt this fine country already.  Too many 'servants' already demand extraordinary salaries and benefits ( via political position or Union power). 

I say they serve like Milton who "only stand and wait," as witness to the will of God, not the will of greedy men.  Oh, and women. 


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