Monday, February 29, 2016

Lucky the students don’t understand this gobblygook

Lucky the students don’t understand this gobblygook – But they will be tested on it.
SAMPLE SENTENCE:  “Self-delusion and self-discipline inhibits the reflective self, the postmodern membrane, the ecclesiastical impulse forbidden by truth-seeking and sun worship, problematizing the inchoate structures of both reason and darkness, allowing knowledge, half-knowledge, and knowledgelessness to undermine and yet simultaneously overcome the self-loathing that overwhelms the Gnostic challenge facing Biblical scribes, folksingers, and hip-hop rappers alike.”

It’s not just right-wing populists who are worried that some academic humanities and social science fields are veering into irrelevance. The latest issue of the left-of-center magazine American Prospect has a depressing report by the leftist Occidental professor Peter Dreier on his experience submitting a bogus paper to a humanities conference and getting it accepted. . . .
 He also includes examples of the type of real humanities work that led him to undertake this experiment (he saw sentences elsewhere like: “Given the attitudes generated by our sense of a place, critical perspectives that only target overt structures within city systems are incomplete” and “Theoretical, conceptual and methodological choices must be framed in relation to concrete explanatory and interpretive dilemmas, not ontological foundations.”)

DISPATCHES FROM THE EDUCATION APOCALYPSE: “Are STEM Syllabi Gendered? A Feminist Critical Discourse Analysis…there is an opportunity for STEM courses to reduce the perception of courses as difficult and unfriendly through language use in the syllabi, and also as a guide for how to use less competitive teaching methods and grading profiles that could improve the experience of female students.”
As Steve Hayward of Power Line adds, “In other words, dumb it down and practice grade inflation for the girls in the class, who are no different from boys, don’t you ever forget.”

Close all the schools; kill all the lawyers. The ways and whys are innumerable;  hope for salvaging any of them still lies locked in Pandora’s box.  


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