Monday, April 22, 2013


WITH HEADLINES LIKE THESE FROM POLITICIANS AND MEDIA, WHO NEEDS REALITY: CIVIL SOCIETY, NOT BIG BROTHER, IS THE AMERICAN WAY Civil society, not Big Brother, is the American way. “As with every terrorist attack and high-profile killing, the Boston bombing has prompted calls for Americans to give up civil liberties for the sake of security. Rather than gun control or airport pat-downs, this time the call is for a Big Brother-like network of police cameras allowing authorities to more closely monitor people who move about the streets. But the story of the Boston bombers — the details of their crime and their capture — makes the opposite argument. We don’t need more government surveillance. We need to maintain robust civil society and public spiritedness.” TIM CARNEY ON BOSTON HOW’S THAT HOPEY-CHANGEY STUFF WORKIN’ OUT FOR YA? (CONT’D): Food stamp growth up 10x job growth, says Thune. HUNT FOR THE ELUSIVE TEA PARTY MURDERER CONTINUES: Liberal hopes were dashed with the revelation that the Boston Marathon bombers were a couple of Chechen Muslim immigrants. The Left was so sure they had finally bagged the elusive Tea Party murderer! The bombings occurred in Boston on Tax Day. Surely, at long last, the opportunity to smear libertarians, small-government conservatives, anti-tax crusaders, and the whole hellish tri-corner hat crowd was at hand! ”Two plus two equals…?” Michael Moore burbled happily, retreating back into his copious shell of sub-human idiocy when the answer turned out to be “Islam.” NPR: Hitler’s Birthday “Big” For The Right. (Nobody told me, I wasn’t invited to the party) UPDATE: Related: Flashback: Remnick Attacks Tea Party as Racially Motivated. Organizing For Action (OFA) is a paper tiger? OFA Outnumbered By Tea Partiers At Ted Cruz Protest in Dallas (Video). OFA is Obama’s newly organized permanent campaign lobby and fund raising front. TO BE FAIR, I THINK A LOT OF THINGS SURPRISE HER: CNN’s Erin Burnett Surprised Bombing Suspects Aren’t ‘Stereotypical’ Americans. VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: Postmodern Prudes: In the age of relativism, popular morality hasn’t so much disappeared as become schizophrenic. Posted at 10:09 pm by Glenn Reynolds DENMARK RECONSIDERS THE WELFARE STATE: The 36-year-old single mother, given the pseudonym “Carina” in the news media, had more money to spend than many of the country’s full-time workers. All told, she was getting about $2,700 a month, and she had been on welfare since she was 16. ..... “But now people do not have that mentality. They think of these benefits as their rights. The rights have just expanded and expanded. And it has brought us a good quality of life. But now we need to go back to the rights and the duties. We all have to contribute.” MAYBE IT JUST MAKES STUPIDITY MORE APPARENT: Why Does Evil Make Liberals Stupid? FROM TODAY’S JOURNALISTS, THIS COUNTS AS A GENEROUS ADMISSION: Terrorists don’t observe gun laws, notes AP. THE BENEFITS OF GOING TO CHURCH: A NEW YORK TIMES commentator suggests that religion “helps people die without making too much of a fuss.” Maybe that’s why the New York Times, in this era of ObamaCare and Death Panels, is seeming more sympathetic. . FUNNY, THIS NEVER SEEMS TO HAPPEN AT TEA PARTY RALLIES: Gunfire Erupts At Colorado Pot Rally, 2 Wounded. JOHN FUND: Putting Lipstick On The ObamaCare Pig: Even formerly enthusiastic Democrats now predict a “train wreck.” “Indeed, the facts today are that Obamacare remains as unpopular now as when it was passed in 2010, AMERICANS STILL buying up guns at a record pace.


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