Sunday, February 17, 2013

Call me biased

Call me biased Damn, those Alinsky Progressive Democrats are good at capturing the language, misdirecting attention and falsifying reality. The new ‘amnesty bill’ proposed by Pres. Obama is called a “reform measure” The words “balanced approach” are continuously used to mean one-sided, dictatorial, liberal governance by this administration. I see this a bad. Call me biased. But don’t call me for my opinion on the new ‘cradle to grave’ agenda of our socialist state. From birth to pre-school, to grammar school, to college and higher education, to taxation for workers or amnesty for the poor, to retirement or entitlement, the goal is godlessness in a controlled, fair-share society. I see this as bad. Call me biased. Freedom only exists through discipline. If children in government approved, regulated day care cannot be disciplined at any stage of development except by being picked up as infants or directed to time-outs as they age ( or verbally counseled), discipline evaporates. It is replaced by ADD, ADHD, PTSD or anger management issues fogging up a child’s development. I see this freedom without discipline as bad. Call me biased.


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