Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Ron Paul-Freedom Fighter

Do the Math. The Dept. of Agriculture announced that in the interest of cost cutting measures ( ho, ho, ho), it will close 259 offices, labs or facilities to save $150 million. The budget, however, of the DofA is $145 billion. The math tells us that about $613 million dollars per operation will be saved. Wow! Was each each operation ever worth over a ½ million dollars? What fraction of $145 billion is $150 million? ( .10%?) You do the math and be scandalized that our Obama administration can hoodwink the public once again.

Romney may have won Iowa and New Hampshire, may win the nomination for President, but when Ron Paul says legalize prostitution and heroin, when his libertarian message resonates with young people and old people like me who figure the only learning curve for drunks, drug addicts and insane politicians should be the gutter – I’m ready to back a freedom fighter in the White House.

Ron Paul can confront foreign policy decisions on the job. Obama, however, has not and will never embrace conservative thinking.


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