Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving tale

My tale of Thanksgiving begins about 1976 when a 45 year old. single mother of 9 has a terrible and unfortunate automobile accident which eventually leaves her with one leg, replaced by a prosthesis. Over the years her times toughened. Fast forward to this Thanksgiving when she is happy to be able to continue to live in her home inspite of a heart condition and diabetes an almost homeless condition. Why? 1. The Homeless Prevention program, 2. the Rapid Re-housing Program and 3. the Family H.O.P.E. center stepped in to help. Soooo, her 'spend down' commenced to alleviate her financial woes. 'Spend down'? A government program called Title 19 which says medical bills from income must exceed medicaid for a 6 mo. period in order to receive assistance. (6 month renewals are possible). In addition, this nice lady (whom I knew for a few years to be personally nice to me), received benefits of:
1. rental assistance
2. landlord mediation
3. referrals to the Percentage of Income Payment Program for utilities
4. local food pantry
5. community meals
6. H.E.A.P.
7. Salvation Army
8. health department
9. Medicare RX Extra help
10. lower rates negotiation
11. budget trimming counseling

Impossible to believe? Remember that Perry Como song. "It's impossible?" No, it's possible that so much government and community welfare can survive through 2011. No comment... just have a happy Thanksgiving.


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