Sunday, October 03, 2010


quote from a must-read documentation by Eugen Kogon, about the Nazi SS, with the American title of “The Theory and Practice of Hell.”

In his analysis of the motivations of SS men, Kogon notes that these monsters were idealists, blindly following an ideology. A basic inferiority complex facilitated their unquestioning loyalties to the CAUSE and allowed them, in turn, to assert their superiority.

“Arrogance is the veneer of hatred,” Kogon points out. Sound familiar? Saturday’s (10/2/10) One Nation rally in Washington D.C. by the Lincoln Memorial, gathered together paid forces of socialists and Communists lurking in the backgrounds of American society. Luckily, a pathetic show. Luckily, a minority representation of an arrogant crowd spewing hatred, camouflaged as ‘hope and change.’

Every word and phrase in Nazi terminology carried a double, dark meaning. Sound familiar?


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