Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Deep doodoo

The Wall Street Journal features In Depth articles on Health, Travel, Leisure and Arts and more. How deep do the features go? They plumb the issues of helping the blind see art. They take on the new tack of fliers self-sorting at airports in the security lines. They expose the drying up of money coming in from dues at homeowner’s associations. They discuss the playwright Mamet’s verbal jiu-jitsu. They present the suggestion of mindful eating of 1 meal or snack a day to lose weight. They ask whether Frank Sinatra was an artist or idol. They tell readers that web sites help people spy on their friends ( as if patrons don’t already volunteer ‘dirt’ on their friends and relatives ). They document the University of Colorado recent pro-marijuana rally of 1/3 of the student body which featured tofu wieners on the menu. They show that the dollar weakens and our economy follows. They also remind readers that from 1981 to 2003 reading for young people 15 - 18, fell to a record low of 7 minutes a day. What does an in depth look at America tell me? Are we mindless idiots who love hooey? If so, we are in deep doodoo.


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