Sunday, May 11, 2008

Bolus and chyme

Barak’s bolus vs. Hellary’s chyme - both food for thought. When Obama mixes in his mouth socialism’s goal of the perfection of society with Americans’ longing for change, sometimes he spits it out, sometimes he swallows it as delectable. Clinton’s nannyism, progressivism and Big Brotherism has been churning around in her gut for years having been been digested to perfection and then regurgitated as qualifiying her for political leadership. Bolus vs. chyme. I prefer my lunch menu raw, my meat rare, my life untouched by another person’s leftovers. Liberalism won’t give us Americans back any hope for our future. Its philosophical and real choices at the table, at the employment line and at the altar, will strictly be bland, equalized, unappealing. If it fulfills its ‘plan’ with either Barack or Hellary, our culture and society will finally be perfect. Don’t you swallow their lines of garbage.


Bolus : A roundish lump of chewed food
Chyme : Digested food in the intestines


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