Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Sometimes the 80%, other times the 20% are right. It’s tough for a rational thinker demanding data supplemented by moral principles to reach certainty of truth. 1. America only executes 43 criminals as opposed to over 400 in China and near 400 in Iran. (Of course, the Chinese number is higher). 2. Approximately 20% of Americans feel the gun laws should be less strict and THAT abortion is always illegal. 3. And then the statement: "Take every single dollar of subsidy out of the federal tax code. Get rid of it all... Let’s have a real level playing field where nobody gets a penny in subsidy." Where do Americans come down on this issues?

What percentage of Americans understands truth under the law that all men are created equal with inalienable rights to life, liberty and happiness? 1. America’s low execution rate results from 80% of the people wrongly believing that the death penalty- justly applied - is an unnecessary, cruel and unusual punishment. 2. 20% of Americans are morally correct about abortion and the right to bear arms but they have been overruled by the liberal, secular political correctness of this country’s politicians and judges. 3. Hillary Clinton joked about the feasibility of a fair tax system, but I’ll wager that 80% of Americans would disagree with her and favor a common sense rationale and just, unsubsidized tax code. Where do I stand? 1. 20% 2. 20% 3. 80%


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