Tuesday, February 19, 2008

For nothing or something

For nothing or something a person in Cuba or Russia could be sent to prison or to the Gulag. Arrest for literary, religious or political opposition to the regime has been common. Even though one dictator, Castro has stepped down from power, another, Putin, remains in place. The BBC (British Broadcasting Company) says that Castro has made "impressive domestic strides," provided "good medical care freely available" and can boast of "95% literacy" in his country as well as an "infant mortality comparable to the best Western nations." Unfortunately, the leader himself provided the impressive data to the outside world. Russia’s present leader, Putin has a poor record of transparency too. In any Communist state, the dream for the Caesar is good, but for others it becomes a nightmare. As long as the devil operates apace, the appeal of a lie will live on. Even in a prestigious newspaper like the WSJ (Wall Street Journal), courage to deny the devil even a small victory is lacking. I noted today that Mia Farrow is credited for an article as "an actor," which, of course, is untrue. She is not only an actress but also one who has not acted for decades. She is also identified as Ms., which, of course, is politically correct but false because she has been married and produced a son. Why do women retain maiden names, use hyphenated names or maintain separate last names from husbands? For example, Ms. Hellary Rodham Clinton. For no reason or some reason, the devil is still being given his due.


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