Friday, December 21, 2007

Liberal ideas

Who fishes around in the sea of ideas, chooses the crappy ones and then ... throws them at both the wall and the fan (not taking any chances) hoping some of it sticks in the minds of a gullible public? Answer: liberals. Liberal ideas usually result in the death of common sense. Most dangerous are the ideas of liberal politicians. Theirs are usually commitments, not to what’s practical, possible and profitable, but what dictates their elitist rules. Ronald Reagan warned us that the "most terrifying words in the English language are, "I’m from the government and I’m here to help." Liberals defer to governmental control because they choose not to help themselves. Rather they prefer to let certain selected Americans pay to help other selected Americans when in justice, no American should subsidize another. It’s socialist thinking. Yet they have traditionally been dismissed when their true intentions are known. When George McGovern told the truth about his liberal philosophy and intentions in his campaign for President in 1972, he lost - a summary defeat - 49 of the 50 states’ electoral votes. Only by adopting a centrist position as Democrats, can they deceive ignorant voters into electing a Bill Clinton. So this election cycle, buyer beware. The crappy ideas - always liberal - will never smell or taste sweet.


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