Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Blue Christmas

My post-Christmas blues are inspired by two items in the WSJ, Wall Street Journal
An ad from DHL listing:
12 striped neckties
11 pair of sweatsocks
10 reindeer sweaters
9 character potholders
8 porcelain figurines
7 tennis balls
6 antique fruitcakes
5 thingamabobs
4 gingham-checked smocks
3 champagne glasses
2 pieces of pottery
and a bunny outfit.
Comment: The 12 days of Christmas have obviously gone down the clever but irrelevant, materialistic, politically correct hole.

An article about going down the chief road in the workplace with:
Chief social responsibility officer
Chief vision officer
Chief sustainability officer
Chief talent officer
Chief beer officer
Chief procurement officer
Chief learning officer
Chief green officer
Comment: Chief cook and bottle washer was and is the only ego stroking position that ever merited notice.

If I am in a blue funk because of the shallowness and insanity surrounding me during the Christmas season, then I might as well wallow in it because conditions will not change in the upcoming ‘08.


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