Sunday, October 14, 2007


Dignity - an inward resistance to determination by external forces
Transcend - to surpass the limits or possibilities of a system
Survival - to live beyond the death of another or an event
Compassion - pity for suffering with a desire to help or spare
Victim hood - bondage only transcended in death

The meanings of the above words could be explored in relation to life in a Nazi or Soviet concentration camp where death or survival depended upon preservation of self-interest. However, they also inspire me to consider my anomie. The U.S. spent $5,700 a person on health care in 2003 but thank goodness, I was not included. Where, therefore, is my refund of $5,700? I used up not a cent on my health care. Justice requires that the government or the medical community reimburse me for their theft. Liberals, socialists, progressive democrats, elitist politicians, dictatorial plutocrats and misguided do-gooders, have it all wrong. A healthy person -or an unhealthy person - has a right to choose health insurance, access health care or not.

I not only do not need heath care but I choose not to ask my neighbor to pay for it. With dignity, I transcend the system of victim hood, surviving without compassion for others who are not in solidarity with me even though I am not suffering. After immersing myself in readings about the quotidian grind of a concentration camp, I am strengthened in my resolve to go it alone.


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