Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Cal Speaks

If I were President I would tell each American to "Put your brain in gear before you engage your mouth." Meaning? Think first, then act. Get the data before the feeling. Ask what your common sense can do for you before seeking help from others. Understand that there is no such thing as junk food only an excess of delicious choices.

If I were President I would ask each American to consider this: The virtue of selfishness preached by Ayn Rand should not be controversial. When Ayn said that the individual is an end in himself or herself - regardless of her anti-religiosity - she was instinctively preaching the moral Gospel, based on natural law, according to Jesus Christ.

If I were President, my lack of pretension would be fair game. I would remind each American that America’s culture, America’s economic policies and America’s position on defense - each an important issue in the pursuit of happiness- call for a position in support of the right to freedom for the individual along with its incumbent responsibilities.

And what might my lack of pretension require? Optimism. And sheer courage of each and every American to assume individual responsibility and to keep America’s cup ½ full, not ½ empty. To fly our flag lit in its exalted position, coruscating on the hill.


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