Thursday, July 22, 2021

Innocent Baby

I realized profoundly after rescuing a tiny, distressed kitten from a street (literally) that sweet innocence spoke to me. His life hung on the mercy of humans yet the little thing was driven to live. After veterinary treatment, he came to my home needing care to recover from multiple health problems. But he just proceeded to eat, play and love.  I realized too his fragility which equaled that of a newborn baby. How could a being so scrawny, small and unaware of the severity of his complaints, purr, purr, purr? Be so attentive, so willing to learn, so playful, so into  each second of life?  The survival instinct prevails. He needs me; a human baby needs constant care too. How can the miracle of such fragility escape so many people?  Why are not humans bowed with awe?   


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