Friday, August 21, 2020




Biden lied.  Staring straight into the camera, he ended his acceptance speech for the Democratic Presidential Nomination by knowingly and intentionally lying to the American people he hopes to lead.  If Biden begins his campaign by lying to the American people, he is telling us, the American voter, that his administration will be a cascade of lies, deception and untruths?


His last sentence repeated the Charlottesville Hoax.  When a politician flat out repeats a totally discredited hoax, unless Biden is as mentally compromised as some contend, he is not ‘playing politics’; he is intentionally lying to the American people.


The Charlottesville Hoax, repeated by Biden, has been exposed for months.  Biden repeats the lie that Pres. Trump called the KKK and white supremacists “good people,” a trick the media achieved by cutting and pasting the video and audio of comments by Trump who actually condemned the Nazis.  The truth is available to anyone who views the undoctored interview.  Biden knows, Biden lies!


Unfit to serve!  


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