Friday, May 01, 2020


99%  of those who catch the Covid-19 virus do NOT die. Most victims do not get seriously ill. So why such a high level of fear around the world? Lies and misrepresentations fill the airways of course. Power plays and political agendas drive it too. But I want to examine the meaning of fear.  With a 99% or 100% probability that something terrible will result from an action or an illness, I define true fear. Take my example of a bee sting. For sure, 100% of the time I get stung, I'll have a terrible reaction of swelling and pain for days. I fear the close buzzing of a disturbed lady bee. If I might catch a cold or the flu or virus floating around, I do not know how hard I will be hit. I need not fear the consequences. This example, I hope illustrates the madness of the world's population (especially as I hear and see it here in America), driven by fear of the known.    

Pet peeve today is the phrase "raffish subculture," whatever it means to some person other than me.    


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