Tuesday, April 07, 2020

Who is a jerk?

What makes someone a jerk? To claim to know all the answers while at the same time causing panic just for the sake of it. Listeners will feel afraid and bad; thinkers will be disgusted with a jerk  (1/2 ass ). I refuse to hear him (her), Close to home, unfortunately, the local (mostly liberal) radio broadcasts him - Glenn Beck, the jerk.  Not sick he has no clue about the rest of people who are sick (like me). Quoting data (mostly wrong) and giving advice without any data to prove it will work - the jerk rattles on and on and on. I turn him off each AM after the news which is also a vehicle for other nannies and panic-mongers. I've been sick for so long, I must laugh at the CDC and the government's ad in a newspaper this AM that brags #ALONETOGETHER. We are now all alone together! Oh God, is it any wonder He needs to arise again for another year?    


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