Wednesday, January 22, 2020

No such thing

Have you noticed that no such thing as a 'sport' exists? Everyone wants to win in spite of the efforts of leftist, socialist, progressives to make sure no one wins, all contestants being equal. A sporting game has been re-purposed, re-defined, remade as a do-or-die event. And some gamers do want other gamers to die. Well, each day I hear about a sporting event at which an aggrieved player picks up a chair to crown  an enemy combatant because he's lost control of the definition of a sport.

Have you noticed too that the Democrats in their impeachment trial totally resemble poor sports who can't admit defeat? Let's remind them that life is a game; some win, some lose. The better player obviously wins (absent cheating which is rare). Just saying the player cheated (Trump), however,  does not make truth untrue.


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