Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Don't go back

Don't ever tell me you would like to go back to the  "good ole days."

..."the provident throne room of the Great Plains domicile.  He fondly remembered the unpainted walls kept bright with long strings of red peppers and great bushes of drying seed corn and garlands made with dried husks of popcorn, with tiny ears peeping downward.

The food was in the pattern of an American epic.  Venison was still plentiful, but to the delight of William, so were catfish, wild turkey, duck and quail.   Upon occasion there was buffalo meat, juicy and lusty red.  The perennial staples included dried beef, cornbread, jennycake, flapjacks, and buckwheat cakes, all in prodigious abundance.

Grease lamps with cotton flannel wicks still lighted many prairie homes.  Dried gourd dippers filled with dry corn or meal, beans or peas, and a score of other commodities adorned backwalls.  Giant outside kettles, high windmills, lye barrels for use in making hominy and soap, all were among the accoutrements of backyards - as were the hallowed big watering troughs, and split-log rack."

And don't forget the ubiquitous OUTHOUSE.   Gone, thank goodness are the "good ole days."


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