Wednesday, July 10, 2019

"They have no wine"

Who said, They have no wine?"  Mary to Jesus, of course, before he performed his miracle at Cana's wedding feast.  Who says daily, "They have no water"?"  ME!   Because our many, thirsty bees sip from a fairy water dish, water must be continually replenished during these hot, dog days of summer.  Are the girls grateful? You bet! 

On to more cultural nonsense.  Honoring ANY dead person killed by violence or suspicious cause is standard, caring procedure.  Locally a body in a shallow grave was 'honored'.  Methinks she was a druggie or prostitute, but even if I error in the cause of her demise, she inevititably receives a lighted vigil in honor for her life. Today we honor anyone, good or bad,  just to remain non-judgemental.  Why?  Even a ticker tape parade in New York along the "canyon of heroes" never notes the anti-American players involved in female soccer. Good thing I still note incongruity, injustice, moral hazard and just plain ignorance - all signs of our times.

Lastly another killer of English by a local woke man advertising a dental business.  "If there's a problem that presents..."  go to x operation for a solution to your problem. Yes, he is too woke to ad the final word 'itself,' to his spiel.


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