Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Moral authority

I'll give you some excuses for, not examples,of moral authority.  Gavin Newsome says "lack of moral authority" by Trump causes gun shootings like at the Garlic Festival.  Hold onto this first example. .  The upcoming tax free school supplies and clothing holiday allows for parents to buy American Girl fashions for their children tax free up to  $75.00.  8 dead and 40 wounded in Chicago over the weekend. (I'm so glad I absconded from the Windy City in 1976).  Finally,  a Dental Lifeline Nework is looking for donations of dental service to help homeless vets, suffering from PTSD who neglected their oral health.  1,2,3 and 4 are examples of moral excuses for fake news.  How dare the left, the progressives, the Democrats, any American participate in these lame excuses for -- tadah- immoral behavior? OK, perhaps a moral failing does not equate with a moral hazard or irresponsible behavior, but behavior always betrays one's decision.

Need to be uplifted? Try a description of the Beatific Vision at the conclusion of the Paradisio in Dante's  Divine Comedy.


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