Saturday, March 30, 2019


OK, What is the "Licking County Justice Center?" Hint: a cook had sex with a couple of inmates over time there.  Why have we perverted perfectly correct words ala "1984's" Ministry of Truth? Political correctness runs wild or at least is running for cover.  A "justice center" once was a correctional facility. Previous to that, a jail. Now we have a "justice center" performing identical functions over the years that mete out little justice and less rehabilitation training.  Solitary confinement keeps gang members away from each other for safety purposes. God is kept at bay. It's scary and sad what needs to be done to keep law-abiding citizens safe. I met an educated mental health counselor recently who uses various techniques to help clients including much reliance on "mindfulness."  Apparently God (who is absent) will only continue to be mindful of Himself.  


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