Tuesday, February 12, 2013

False principles

False principles Question: Why was a Catholic principal fired for advocating gay marriage at his school? Why did he call for more Catholic “compassion” regarding gays ( homosexuala and lesbians)? Answer: Lack of principle. The principal rejected the principle of Catholicism that homosexuality is unnatural and thus in violation of both natural and God’s law. Consider the condition of American culture today. The false major premise is accepted in too many political and societal agendas. Once the syllogism ( logic) is invalidated by a false major premise such 1. Paying one’s bills is responsible or 1. Illegal means breaking the law or 1. Adultery is an evil or ... you suggest one..., the minor premise and conclusion fail the truth test. Look out tonight in Pres. Obama’s State of the Union Address for numerous false principles.


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