Sunday, January 20, 2013

Who said this?

Who said this with prescience? "The uncontested absurdities of today are the accepted slogans of tomorrow. They come to be accepted by degrees, by dint of constant pressure on one side and constant retreat on the other - until one day when they are suddenly declared to be the country's official ideology." Ayn Rand. She reminds us that slogans like “hope and change,” “forward” and “transformation” hide Obama’s ideology of governmental control of wealth and its redistribution, punishment of America’s colonial sins of the past and a new place for the U.S. in the world order. Democrats and the media lap dogs advance; Republicans retreat. Conservative tea party patriots have been marginalized and ignored. Where are we going as of today, Obama’s 2nd inauguration? The phrase “rules of engagement” fascinates me because I think the 1st rule for engaging a deadly and an unreachable, alien enemy ( such as al Qaeda) should be to “kill the bas.....” A logical analogy to Obama’s goal of the destruction of traditional freedoms would be to “kill his agenda, day by day, in any way possible even though the regime now holds the trump cards and stacks the deck. Nevertheless, we CANNOT exit the game.


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