Thursday, July 05, 2012

Happy 4th

What does the 4th of July mean to you? For me the 4th means the ability to watch a triumphant triumvirate of color and sound without leaving the cool comfort of my bed. Three exquisite fireworks displays – Columbus, Boston and New York – prove that greatness still reside in these United States of America. Naysayers just lie. And speaking of lies, the victory sign for Romney should be 8 fingers held high to represent the 8th commandment, ‘thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor,’ which his opponent ignores. Wave the 8 upright ringers like a flag, Mitt. Tell Americans ‘like it is’ that President Barack Obama just lies. Waving the 8 fingers of truth can only be right, meet, proper and just, like the feeling that flowed through me experiencing smiling faces, inspirational words and red, white and blue booms.


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