Tuesday, July 24, 2012


He said in Mein Kampf: “Some idea of genius arises in the brain of a man who feels called upon to transmit his knowledge to the rest of humanity. He preaches his view and gradually wins a circle of adherents. This process of the direct and personal transmittance of a man’s ideas to the rest of his fellow men is the most ideal and natural.” “…the function of an organization is the transmission of a definite idea – which always first arises from the brain of an individual – to a larger body of men and the supervision of its realization. Hence, organization is in all things only a necessary evil.” “We must not ask if it is impossible, we will try it anyway and be destroyed. But if it is necessary and true, we must believe that it is possible just the same. And we need this faith. A thousand years look down on us, the future demands sacrifices.” “…if any man wants to put into effect a bold idea whose realization seems useful in the interests of his fellow men, he will first of all have to seek supporters who are ready to fight for his intentions.” “A man who knows a thing, who is aware of a given danger, and sees the possibility of a remedy with his own eyes, has the duty and obligation by God, not to work ‘silently,’ but to stand up before the whole public against the evil and for its cure.” Ernst Hanfstaengl says of him: “…he had to be reasonably careful about what he said in case the police should arrest him again as a disturber of the peace. Perhaps this is what gave such a brilliant quality to (the first speech I attended) which for innuendo and irony I have never heard matched, even by him. No one who judges his capacity as a speaker from the performances of his later years can have any true insight into his gifts… In his early years he had a command of voice, phrase, and effect which has never been equaled.” One listener at a time, Adolph Hitler built up his following until he became Germany’s charismatic messiah, her Fuehrer, her soul and her destruction. Can any parallel be drawn or any echoes be heard in today’s America?


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