Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Thinks about the numbers

A reliable source projects our debt at $20 trillion ( if we continue on Obama’s path ) by 2016. David Limbaugh claims that he had 12,000 articles and 5700 folders of evidence of Obama’s wasteful and destructive path of governance to comb through for his new book, The Great Destroyer. The University of Chicago received $6 million dollars for a program to provide 90 basic entry jobs under ObamaCare; that $67,000 a job. Should we not ask why a health care bill spends billions to provide jobs? Should we not ask if taxpayers understand the meaning of a billion dollars ( much less than a trillion)? Obama’s bureaucracy is wonderfully efficient at wasting money. We should be overwhelmed by the audacity of it all. But at ground level, we pinch our pennies, one visit to Dollar Tree at a time.


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