Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The truth is a lie

Truth nowadays is a lie; reality for one sector of our society is a lie spread as truth to the opposition. Both words and deeds qualify. The head of GM asserts “electrification of the mobile sector” should be an agenda of the future. Lie. “Electric cars,” translation of a glittering generality for the non-elitist, cannot power industry, progress, sustainability or the economy of America. The rich should pay more in taxes. Lie. Will baseball ‘stars’ who are awarded 6,8 or 10 year contracts for 51, 127, 160, 225 or 250 million dollars pay more in taxes after their ‘agents’ secure for them various loopholes? The war on drugs does society a service. Lie. The only youth in this country wanting or having children ( not aborting them for selfish motives) are the same youth who spoil them, overfeed them, experiment with drugs, alcohol and cigarettes. So what will be the result of protecting them from their children? What’s the common denominator of the three lies? Government and the media’s lies and intrusion into liberty and free choice. So says a Tea Party person.


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