Thursday, February 09, 2012

Audacity of Hopelessness

Man, Oh man, it never ends… the audacity of hopelessness in our Obama administration. Leading from the affront to our liberties, Obama’s latest edict clinches my case. Within a few days, we have suffered from three attacks. #1. on religious conscience with the rule that Catholic organizations and health providers must pay for birth control and contraception in their insurance coverage. #2. on bread (the staff of life raised and baked with virtually no salt) which the CDC ( Center for Disease Control) claims accounts for the bulk of our dangerously high salt intake. #3. on banks that must be punished with $20 billion dollars ( some of which is going to Acorn) and new mandates for ‘tricking’ consumers in home loans even though these banks were ‘blackmailed’ by the government into writing mortgages with risky or no credit.

For whatever delusional hopes Democrats had in voting for Obama and a better, united nation, they should be ashamed. Obama and his liberal transformers have exercised the audacity of hopelessness - proud of it, successful at it and shining no light at the end of the tunnel of doom.


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