Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Feast or Famine Under Obama

Remember the ‘man who never was’, a deception practiced on the Germans by the British before the invasion of Sicily in WWII? Well, in 2012, one third of Americans are like a man ( or woman) who never was able to say no.
33% of adults and 17 % of children are obese. At the same time, more people receive food stamps ( designed to feed the needy ‘poor’) than any time in history. Obama’s administration blames this fact on their inheritance of a critical economic recession and its impact on Americans’ pocketbooks. The reality is rampant food stamp fraud ( the use of Debit cards) where in Ohio 17,000 cards were issued at least 10 times and then sold to merchants for pennies on the dollar; in one case re-issued 50 times.
Why didn’t our Big Brother’s spies ferret out this fraud? Why has this cheating finally come to light? Why are so many Americans obese ( the poor? ) if not because of either free food via food stamps or simply too much yummy food available for consumption? Feast or famine? Would a rational or irrational individual ever choose famine over a feast? Glaring contradiction is the hallmark of this Presidency. Obama and Michele live like African potentates; we their ignored subjects who have more than enough bread ( and circus entertainments) grow fat and surfeit.
History will record Obama our leader as the ‘man who never knew’ how to sacrifice; his typical subject also will be remembered as the man ( and woman) who never was able to say no. Why should he or she? Worse days might be ahead.


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