Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Echoes past?

"The preservation of these...archives ... furnishes to youthful minds a far better class of reading that the mass of exciting and pernicious literature thrust upon them from all sides."

"When the signs upon the horizon of our beloved Republic indicated her dismemberment, men though not of toil, danger and privation; but sprang to her rescue with one consent, cheerfully giving all that life could afford as their individual offering upon a common altar s the price of her salvation."

"They might torture us with cruelty, they might kill us with starvation; but compel us to swear allegiance to a band of traitors whose purpose it was to destroy the best government God ever gave to man, they could not."

To what record and heroic patriots do these quotes refer? Camp-Fire Chats of the Civil War recorded in 1873 by veteran soldiers themselves. Let us sympathetically return to the 'days of yesteryear' before the upcoming election of 2012 and remember what we are fighting for, opposed to our country's death.


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