Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Lunch Police

After reading an article in the Record-Herald claiming, “you are what you eat,” I wondered when the enhanced, better nutrition police will arrive at our local schools? Our government has already stepped in and mandated that all schools must serve healthier lunches. The SS (safe selectors), of course, will wear armbands with a smiley face. Their inspiration will come from a slogan from our First Lady, “let’s move. ” They will direct student traffic into one of two lanes, with directives, “feist,” “hunger, “feist, “ ”hunger,” based on the morphology of students as either obese or hungry. Salad without dressing, watery milk and restricted sweets await the chosen; cheese sticks, pizza and ice cream, the lucky few. Now ask your self, if food makes the man (or woman) will our future contain no basketball, football, soccer players or Olympians and just revert to type as skinny monkeys inhabiting trees?


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