Thursday, September 08, 2011

D-day again

"It is better that war heap its burdens unfairly than that victory be jeopardized in an effort to equalize the ordeal," said Gen. Omar Bradley about the 1st Infantry Division as he prepared for D-Day, June 6th, 1944. The 1st was the only one experienced, veteran assault division, that could do the job, so it was needed again after other successful campaigns). Wars usually are waged out of fear, honor or perceived self-interest. They end with one victor and one vanquished. Jimmy Hoffa Jr. proclaimed his Union army ready to wage war on the tea party. Is fear, honor or self-interest the motivation? Or all three. Of course, the tea party is driven by the same motivations - fear, honor and self-interest. Our war is for the restoration of our beloved country. Now reference Bradley's acute perception. Freedom ( our tea party's goal) naturally heaps burdens unfairly on Americans because equalizing effort and spreading the wealth mean defeat not victory in the fight against our liberal enemy, bent on controlling every aspect of our lives.


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