Monday, December 22, 2008


"One great advantage in America is, that there is nobody to overshadow men of moderate property; no swaggering, shining, tax-eating wretches to set examples of extravagance, pride and insolence to you own sons and daughters, who are brought up in the habit of seeing men estimated, not according to the show that they make, not according to their supposed wealth, not according to what is called birth, but according to the real intrinsic merit of the party: this is a wonderful advantage." Since a Britain made this observation in 1829, we have come a long way to unravel each advantage once offered to emigrants to America.

Liberals, recently elected to ‘run’ America, will now overshadow men of moderate means, taxing them to the hilt, repressing their aspirations in order to raise the incomes of the ill-defined ‘middle class.’ Being poor will remain O.K. because liberals already benefit from government subsidizes, but financial gain for those with more than modest means is now a no-no. Arrogant, boastful politicians with empty rhetorical promises love to eat the working man’s breakfast, lunch, dinner and most especially because they reek of ‘junk’ ingredients, treats and snacks. The infamies of Madeoff, the ponzi tzar, and Illinois’s Blogo, the crudity king, only top the iceberg of perpetual corruption based upon extravagance, pride and insolence. Women like Hellary Clinton and Caroline Kennedy are not estimated by their intrinsic merit; wealth, birth or political purchasing power determine their worth. What one great advantage is left to us citizens, descendants of emigrants and immigrants to America? The leavings. We Americans who have advantaged ourselves with proper, responsible living will get the leftovers of government interference, like the leavings of a picnic or like crusts on bread.


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